UN Agenda 2030, Eugenics, Operation Lockstep, Covid 19, Geo-Engineering and Nuremberg 2.0

When we were growing up, our folks taught us about the concept of criminality and nefarious behavior. We were told that bad people that have no scruples and commit crimes. Unfortunately for us, the people that control the money, the banks, a portion of congress, and pass many of the laws are believers in population control (reduction) and the philosophy of eugenics. Eugenics is the concept of influencing human genetics to optimize the quality and integrity of the human race. This may sound like a noble ambition, however the practices used by the global elite are not only unethical, but also inhumane. The make foods with toxic ingredients, fluoridate the water and spray the skies with toxic metals in an effort to control the climate. The globalists also try to aspire citizens to be advocates for expanded government and fewer freedoms. The way they introduce these ideas is part of a mindset called the hegelian dialectic. This involves creation of a crisis(caused by the globalists) , various problems or complications stemming from the crisis, and the solution to solve the problems caused from said crisis. During the chaos, citizens will be more likely to surrender their freedoms if it’s in the name of safety.

UN Agenda 2030

The main theme of UN Agenda 2030 is communism. At first glance the goals of the plan sound altruistic, but the actual goals are to centralize power to fuel an installation of a one world global government. There are a few institutions behind this agenda including: Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street. These corporations are some of the largest landowners in the world.

Much of their listed goals has to do with education, conservation of natural resources, human equality, and ending poverty/hunger. These are all great causes to be in favor of improving, however it poses a big problem. The UN and globalists use a tactic to pull at our heartstrings to give up private property, personal privacy, and sustainable resources, insufficient education system, and a totalitarian controlled economy. There are PDFs available online what the extent of the 17 goals on the horizon for the next six years.


Operation Lockstep

Operation Lockstep is a Rockefeller foundation plan from 2010. Since my knowledge on the document is limited, I will give you my interpretation of it and a image comparing what was in the document and the real life events that occurred later on and you can decide for yourself if the Rockefellers played a role in the covid-19 pandemic. I do believe the covid-19 virus was engineered in a lab and intentionally released to control the world population. The scariest part of the pandemic I believe it was a test to see what will happen if the globalists decide to release another virus, far more deadly than covid on the population.

Nuremberg 2.0

Following the end of world war 2, the surviving nazis, were put on trial to answer for their crimes against humanity.

In my honest opinion, there needs to be a modern day criminal trial for those involved in the covid-19 scam-demic . We were lied to repeatedly about the origins of the virus, masks being effective, lockdowns, isolation from family and loved ones, and the vaccine itself.

The covid m-RNA vaccine turned out to be more egregious than the virus itself. Family members, people I’ve known, as well as the many news stories of young healthy people dying under mysterious circumstances . They were completely healthy one minute, they got the vaxx, then they died suddenly. They expect us to believe that it’s normal for a young athlete to suddenly die of cardiac arrest?! Even worse, they try to make it seem like it’s always been the case for a teenager to die suddenly from a heart attack!

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are mass murderers and need to be put on trial for the deaths they have caused. Some estimate that 15-20 million have died worldwide from the Covid vaccine.






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