What is iodine? Iodine is an essential trace element (a member of the halogen family on the periodic table of elements). Iodine comes from ocean vegetation like seaweed (kelp), seafood, eggs, some dairy products, and can also be extracted from Read more…
Cancer diagnoses are on the rise and cancer has become an epidemic over the years and it seems to show no signs of slowing down. In this post I will outline 7 ways to minimize cancer risk. I can understand Read more…
The carnivore diet also can be referred to as a “zero carb diet” and consists primarily of animal based foods. The carnivore diet can also be classified as a type of ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diets promote eating very low carb, Read more…
Someone that I know taught me extremely valuable advice. They urged me to look at a topic subjectively rather than objectively. They emphasized to do your best to avoid having a preconceived idea or a bias on any subject. I Read more…
Living in America, the land of plenty, it’s difficult for many of us to grasp the concept of intentionally abstaining from food! Fasting by definition according to the oxford dictionary is: abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink, Read more…