What is colloidal silver?
Colloidal silver (C.S.) is a powerful substance you need to have at your disposal all year round (especially during cold and flu season) to prevent or combat sickness and infections. That’s great, but what is colloidal silver exactly? C.S. is a fluid made with a machine called a colloidal silver generator. A colloidal silver generator needs a power source to work. Some silver generators use batteries, others use electricity and can plugged into a wall outlet. A source of silver, usually a silver wire is also connected to the machine. Distilled water and a water purity meter are also needed. When the machine is turned on, the silver particles are infused into the water. The result is a colorless, odorless, and nearly tasteless clear substance, nonetheless C.S. is a powerful medicine and can be used to alleviate sickness, soothe infections and Inflammation.
What can colloidal silver be used for?
C.S has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. C.S. has also been shown to be more effective as an antibiotic than the traditionally prescribed antibiotics from the pharmacy. Not to say that antibiotics don’t work, but serious health hazards have stemmed from their overuse over the years. Some problems include: beneficial bacteria in the gut are killed off from being on multiple cycles of antibiotics in a short span of time and can cause obesity SIBO(small intestinal bacterial overgrowth) and leaky gut. Another long term hazard could be caused from the body adapting to a repeated stimulus (antibodies) and develop antibiotic resistance. Serious cases of antibiotic resistance can lead to deadly superbugs like Methicillin-resistant Staphlylococcus aureous (MRSA).
Sickness prevention
C.S. can be an excellent way to protect yourself and your family by preventing or speeding up recovery time of certain illnesses and conditions. Ailments like flu, cold, allergies, food poisoning, pneumonia, and bronchitis; just to name a few. There are few methods you can use to do this. The first way would be to take C.S. orally a few times a day. Another way is to use an inhaler or nebulizer and breathe in the silver in an aerosolized form (This would be a good way to expectorate the lungs if you have a respiratory infection like bronchitis or pneumonia.) This can also be achieved through the use of a humidifier.
Colloidal silver for pets
C.S. would also be beneficial to give to your pets. It can be given to dogs, cats, rabbits, and horses, to name a few. Dosage amounts of the C.S. may vary from animal to animal , however it can be used for the same reasons people use it: alleviating allergies, safer antibiotic alternative, disinfectant for cuts and burns, ingested for food poisoning and parasite detox, putting drops in ears and eyes for infections.
Potential dangers of colloidal silver
As far as safety concerns go, too much of anything can be harmful. For example, drinking an excessive amount of water can be deadly. So it stands to reason, ingesting large amounts of silver infused water can be harmful as well. There have been very few reports regarding the negative side effects of C.S. over the span of several years. Some claims state that taking C.S. turned their skin a bluish silver color. Don’t let this worry you. Most of the time the silver that was used was of poor quality and consumed in incredibly high amounts as well.
Maximizing the bioavailability of colloidal silver
The important thing to look for when buying C.S. or a C.S. generator is the particle size. The smaller the particle size, the more effectively it is absorbed and utilized by the body. The measurement used to determine the particle size is called a micron. A micron or a micrometer is 1/1000th of a nanometer. The parts per million (PPM) or the concentration is of some importance, but the smaller particle size should take priority over the concentration of the silver.
Topical uses
As for topical uses, C.S. can be used to make a gel when mixed with 100% aloe vera gel. C.S. gel can be made by mixing 2 tbs of colloidal silver for every half cup of aloe vera gel. The gel is terrific for cuts, burns, acne, eczema, and ringworm. C.S. can also be mixed in with hand soap to protect from harmful germs. (Dr, Bronner’s organic castile soap is a great brand to use. Avoid using antibacterial soaps. because of health concerns from micro flora skin balance.) Soap and shampoo made with C.S. can remedy dandruff and dry skin and make eczema a thing of the past.
Points To Take Home:
C.S. is a colorless, odorless, and a nearly tasteless liquid made by using a machine called a silver generator
C.S. has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti fungal properties
C.S. is a safer and more effective antibiotic than traditionally prescribed antibiotics
C.S. is an efficient way to treat food poisoning and respiratory infections like a cold, bronchitis and pneumonia
C.S. can be given to pets to alleviate certain conditions and help keep them healthy
Always be wary of C.S. quality and be sure not to ingest C.S. in excess to avoid harm
There are many different ways to use C.S. in medical and hygiene products
When it comes to choosing silver, the smaller the silver particle size, the safer, the better and the more bioavailable
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