Vitamin D

What is vitamin D and why is it important?

Vitamin D also known as “the sunshine vitamin”, is extremely beneficial to the body.  We call vitamin D a vitamin, however this is slightly inaccurate.  It is classified as a hormone.  A hormone is defined as a substance made by an organism used to regulate the functions in the cells and tissue. ( I will continue to refer to it as a vitamin to avoid confusion)

This particular vitamin is a fat soluble vitamin, meaning that it must have a source of dietary fat for its benefits to be absorbed. Vitamin D is responsible for enhancing intestinal absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphate, and zinc (all very essential nutrients for the body to function properly).

Sources of vitamin D in the diet

There are very few ways by dietary means to obtain this life improving element.  Some of these are: oily fish like salmon, swordfish, sardines, tuna, and mackerel.  Cod liver oil is a great supplement for a concentrated source, if you don’t enjoy consuming fish. Cod liver oil is also an excellent way to get EPA and DHA omega 3 fats into your diet as well as vitamin A.  There are also beef and pork products that are rich in this critical hormone if seafood isn’t your thing. You can obtain these through beef liver, and various cuts of pork.  Eggs and some dairy products like milk are fortified with vitamin D.  As for vegans, the choices are very sparse.  The best food source would have to be mushrooms, but it would be prudent to use supplements and other methods to achieve a healthy level.  It would need to be taken with a fat source to be adequately absorbed.  I’d recommend frying mushrooms with olive oil or coconut oil if you’re going to go the food route.

Disease prevention

Optimal levels of vitamin D can safeguard you from cancer and auto-immune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes.  Vitamin D is essential for a healthy heart and circulatory system too.  It can also benefit healthy teeth and bones.  In addition, it promotes a healthy respiratory system, which can prevent illnesses like bronchitis, strep throat, pneumonia, and many different strains of cold and flu viruses.  It can also aid in regulation of the digestive system and help with inflammatory bowel conditions like Crohn’s disease as well.

Mental health

As far as mental wellness, vitamin D (in conjunction with fish oil) can be beneficial in treating depression and seasonal affective disorder.  In addition, it can be a boon for people with schizophrenia, ADHD, bipolar disorder, dementia, and Alzheimer’s  disease.

Light exposure

Having said that, the best way to get vitamin D is from the sun itself.  But for those of that have winters with minimal sun exposure, we can turn to light therapy. Light therapy is a lamp that has an internal battery which you charge via charging cable and emits light and UV rays that help with mood and resets your circadian rhythm (sleep cycle).

It should also be noted that cholesterol; an essential nutrient, (unfairly demonized by doctors for the cause of heart conditions) creates vitamin D when the body absorbs UV rays.  There are also over the counter vitamin D tablets that work well.  Liquid forms are also available, as well as fish oil capsules, which I previously mentioned.   If you decide to use a vitamin D supplement, be sure to buy the vitamin D3 form.

A few deficiency symptoms include:depression issues with weight gain/obesity aching bones and joint gut issues fatiguelowered immunity

Health screening

It would be wise to go to a doctor to get a full vitamin and mineral panel to find out what nutrients you may be lacking.  According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, an ideal level should be in the range of 50-70 nanograms per milliliter.  Some people need more vitamin D than others.  For instance, black folks have more melanin in their skin, so they don’t absorb the UV rays from the sun as easily as someone with lighter skin.  For someone who is suffering from a chronic disease like cancer or a condition like a heart disease, the range should be a bit higher.  70-100 would be the target to have maximum effectiveness.

Points to take home:

Vitamin D is a fat soluble hormone

Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of crucial minerals needed for the body to function properly

Raising vitamin D levels is an essential step to take to prevent and alleviate disease

Sun exposure is an ideal way to meet and maintain a beneficial level of vitamin D

Vitamin D can be obtained through diets with animal products and some vegetables

Cholesterol in the body is converted into vitamin D when exposed to UV rays


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