What is sodium bicarbonate?
Sodium bicarbonate is a water soluble white powder comprised of a positively charged ion of sodium bound to three oxygen atoms, carbon atom, and an atom of hydrogen (NaHCO3). Sodium bicarbonate is more commonly known as baking soda. It is important to point out that baking soda and baking powder are slightly different. Many baking powder brands contain aluminum in the mixture, while baking soda does not. When people think of baking soda, they often think of it used as an ingredient for cooking or cleaning. Did you also know baking soda can be used as a cancer remedy? One of the best documented cases is a man named Vernon Johnston who beat his stage IV prostate cancer following a sodium bicarbonate regimen. Here is a link to his story.
pH kills cancer
pH stands for “power of hydrogen” or “potential of hydrogen” and is measured with the pH scale. The pH scale is used to gauge the acidity or alkalinity of substances and organisms. When speaking in terms of cancer, the body of someone who has cancer has an acidic environment within their blood, cells, and tissues. Using baking soda mixed with water and molasses (the molasses acts as a carrier to drive the baking soda to the site of the cancerous cells) you will drastically spike your pH with this cancer fighting elixir. Other alternatives to use as a carrier in place of molasses are lemon juice and high quality maple syrup.
Conventional treatment vs Sodium bicarbonate protocol
Conventional treatments not only cost a substantial amount of money, but you can also pay for it in terms of your health. When you compare the risks and price of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery to sodium bicarbonate protocol is only a few dollars and has no side effects. Although sodium bicarbonate treatments can be very effective at fighting cancer, people should consider using several different natural treatments and dietary changes to have optimal effectiveness in dealing with cancer.
Alkaline vs. Acidic Environment
On the pH scale, there are levels from 0-14. Anything below 7 is considered acidic. 7 is considered neutral and above 7 is considered alkaline. Normal levels of pH in the blood tend to be around 7.35-7.45. When the body is in an acidic state it is more prone to disease and dysfunction. On the other hand, an alkaline environment is a prime regulator of a properly functioning and disease free body. It is worth mentioning that there are acidic foods (lemon juice and apple cider vinegar just to name a few) that are highly acidic, but have an alkalizing effect in the body regardless. It is also important to point out that the kidneys are the prime regulator of the pH in the blood.
Dr. Tullio Simoncini’s bold claim
Dr. Simoncini is a former holistic oncologist based in Italy. He claims that cancer is a fungus derived from candida albicans. Although cancer being a fungus isn’t conclusive, Dr. Simoncini had been curing his patients since 1981 using intravenous injections of sodium bicarbonate with an impressive 90% cure rate. Dr. Simoncini’s medical license was revoked and he has been ostracized by the Italian medical association and the Italian government.
Points to take home
Sodium bicarbonate is baking soda and has many different uses, including a cancer remedy
pH stands for “power of hydrogen” or “potential of hydrogen”
The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of substances and organisms
Balancing pH levels has the potential to destroy cancerous cells
Conventional treatments are extremely expensive and potentially dangerous compared to a holistic approach like the sodium bicarbonate protocol
Molasses, lemon juice, and high quality maple syrup are effective methods to use as carriers for baking soda
Several different natural approaches should be used in order to have maximum effectiveness putting cancer into remission
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