In this post I will give a run down of medicinal mushrooms (no, not that type of mushrooms…far out man). I will breakdown different species and each of their respective health benefits.

The origins of this particular mushroom are sprouted from insect larva…gross. In this mushroom sprouting phase it replaces the larval tissue with stems and begins to grow. The health benefits of the cordyceps mushrooms promote production of ATP(adenosine triphosphate) which gives us energy. Due to the energy boosts it is a great mushroom to combat fatigue and enhancing exercise performance. For this reason some athletes and weight lifters use this mushroom as a pre workout for an additional boost of energy for their workout.
Because of its antioxidant capability, cordyceps mushrooms provide anti aging benefits and mitigate the effects of free radicals. Cordyceps also have anti carcinogenic properties as well and can prevent the formation of cancer cells. Cordyceps also help with the production of collagen and healthier skin. Due to this mushrooms’s calming effects it is also used to de-stress and promote relaxation. Cordyceps also helps improve health markers, like blood glucose and cholesterol levels. And lastly, cordyceps is an anti-inflammatory and can improve cardiovascular function.
Turkey Tail
Similar to Cordyceps, turkey tail has a high level of antioxidants, anti cancer properties, and anti-inflammatory. The main difference that the turkey tail mushroom has is the immune system enhancing benefits and gut balancing prebiotics. Prebiotics are the fibers that our healthy gut bacteria feed on to promote their proliferation.
Holy shitake! This mushroom is unique because of its diverse nutrient profile. It has a small amount of protein and a similar amino acid profile found in meat. Shitake has vitamin D2 which is the plant source’s version of vitamin D. It is noteworthy to mention the vitamin D2 in plants aren’t as efficient of a means to raise vitamin D levels.
Shitake also has many B vitamins, zinc, copper, selenium, and manganese. Similarly to other mushrooms, shitake also has immune boosting properties, heart protective and anti carcinogenic effects as well. An interesting difference with shitake, it has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal qualities…huh?! I guess it takes a fungus to fight a fungus?!
The reishi mushroom shares similar characteristics and benefits to the others with its immune system enhancing benefits, blood glucose improvement, a robust anti-oxidant profile, and energy level increase, and anti carcinogenic effects. One of the main differences of the reishi mushroom is its effect on mental health. Reishi can improve mood and alleviate signs of depression. Some people call reishi “the king of the mushrooms”.
Lion’s Mane
This mushroom gets its name from its texture that resembles the mane of a lion. Lion’ mane benefits have similarities to Reishi for the neuroprotective qualities it has. Not only does lion’s mane help with positive mood, anxiety and depression alleviation, it can help people afflicted with dementia. Lion’s mane improves memory and overall cognition. This mushroom also has the ability to regenerate brain cells and regrow damaged tissue in the hippocampus.
Lion’ mane also had the ability to reverse nerve damage from traumatic damage inflicted to the nervous system. This mushroom also inhibits the growth of h pylori, which is a harmful bacteria that can cause gut balance issues and ulcers.
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