The incidences of patients being diagnosed with cancer are on the rise and it has become an epidemic over the years and it seems to show no signs of slowing down. In this post I will outline 7 ways to minimize cancer risk. I can understand the skepticism when hearing claims of holistic medicine having the capability to remedy incurable diseases. A preventative approach may be more favorable as well as easier to implement rather than waiting until there are no other options.

1 Eat Organic Food/Avoid GMO’s ,Processed Foods, and Seed Oils

The dirty dozen and clean 15 list informs consumers the foods to buy organic and which foods to buy conventionally. This allows you to eat clean food and also save money. The solution to pollution is dilution. Avoid pesticides and buy organic whenever it’s necessary.
One of the biggest atrocities committed to our food supply is the overuse of pesticides and the introduction of genetically modified foods. Agent orange was invented by monsanto and used as a chemical weapon in the vietnam war. Monsanto is the largest pesticide producer in the world and is the maker of the weed killer round-up (glyphosate). Round-up has been linked to organ failure, various cancers, hyperactivity, birth defects, autism, celiac disease, depression, diabetes, infertility, thyroid disorders, ALS, respiratory issues, and obesity. The round-up ready crops are genetically modified to be able to be heavily sprayed with pesticide and be unaffected. However, it does affect us, because the pesticide causes cells to become damaged and cause diseases like cancer. GMOs are specifically engineered to contain pesticide within the cell of the plant, so it is impossible to remove the pesticide completely.
Vegetable seed oils are highly toxic and cause inflammation, damage cells, and can cause cancer. The oils themselves are highly unstable, bleached, and break down while being exposed to high heat. The half-life of seed oils in the body is over two years. Since the fatty acids accumulate in the body tissue, they last much longer than other dietary fats.

Eating organic ensures you get the full benefits of the food and no cancer causing chemicals. The dirty dozen/clean 15 list is a great reference to use each year to determine which foods to buy organic and ones to buy conventionally. The list changes every year, so be sure to check for the new list when it is released. When buying conventionally grown foods it may be worthwhile to thoroughly wash the produce to eliminate pesticide residue.

2 Double Down On Antioxidants
Antioxidants are a powerful tool to have in your arsenal to stave off cancer. Antioxidants are important because of their ability to reduce oxidative stress and decrease inflammation. Oxidative stress (free radicals) is the byproduct of our cells manufacturing energy. Free radicals aren’t paired to any electrons so they are unstable and can cause diseases over time. Getting your antioxidants from food is ideal, but getting enough of them is difficult to accomplish. Antioxidants can be vitamins, minerals, metals or amino acids. Some foods and supplements have something called an ORAC score. ORAC stands for oxygen radical absorption capacity. The higher the score, the higher the ability to reduce free radicals. Below is a list of antioxidants and the foods that have the most potent sources of them.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, so it isn’t dangerous to consume in high amounts. In fact a scientist named Linus Pauling demonstrated you are able to take megadoses of vitamin C and have no negative consequences. It is important to point out that there is a synthetic form of vitamin C called ascorbic acid. It should be avoided, because it can cause vitamin C deficiency. I recommend a Vitamin C made with rose hips.

Selenium is a mineral and has been shown to dramatically protect against cancers in medical studies. Selenium can remove toxic heavy metals like mercury and cadmium. Selenium also promotes DNA repair and slows down the aging process. Selenium provides thyroid support and can reduce the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Recommended supplement form of selenium: Selenomethianine. It is selenium with the amino acid methionine to increase bioavailability.

Zinc is a metal that is also an extremely potent antioxidant. It is a cofactor for the body to be able to use Vitamin A and also an immune system booster. It helps maintain vision and keeps the heart functioning properly.
Recommended supplement forms of Zinc: Zinc Picolinate

Glutathione is an amino acid and is the most widely used antioxidant in the body. Many doctors refer to it as the master antioxidant. Glutathione is involved in the preservation of muscle mass and healthy functioning cells.

3 Minimize Exposure To Toxins
Eating healthy foods and supplementation is half the battle. The other half of the battle is avoiding toxins so it doesn’t bog down your body and make you sick. Some things are impossible to avoid (geoengineering), but it is still worthwhile to address the issue and detoxify your system occasionally. Filtering drinking water is very important, because of the numerous chemicals added. Fluoride is a cancer causing chemical that calcifies glands, causes infertility and decreases IQ. A 5 stage reverse osmosis system is an excellent way to have clean drinking water available whenever you need it.

Indoor air is also found to contain more pollution than the air outdoors, so filtering air is also very important to minimize toxic pollutants. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical that is found in various plastics, money, receipts, and canned foods. BPA is believed to cause cancer and is an endocrine disruptor. When buying canned foods look for BPA free on the label. As for handling money and receipts, be sure to wash hands shortly afterwards. It is important to note that using hand sanitizer increases the absorption of BPA when you’re exposed to it. Avoiding vaccines is essential, because they aren’t effective and highly toxic.
4 Reduce Stress/Adequate Sleep
Reducing stress and getting enough sleep is highly beneficial to your health. The body does much of its detoxification while you’re asleep. Avoiding blue light (TVs, computers, and cell phones) an hour before bed helps increase melatonin production and makes it easier to fall asleep. Magnesium citrate is an incredibly effective supplement to be able to get to sleep fast. I like to recommend magnesium citrate, because it works very well and most people are deficient in magnesium. Meditation is a great way to reduce stress and also to prepare for bedtime. Sitting in a quiet room with minimal light and no distractions is ideal.
5 Limit/Eliminate Sugar
Sugar feeds cancer cells and also encourages cancerous cells to form. Sugar also causes nutrient deficiencies making us more prone to disease. The less you consume sugar the better. Also, the less you consume sugar you’ll want less of it. Candida is a fungus in the gut that grows when sugar is consumed. Candida greatly influences sugar cravings and cravings diminish over time when minimizing sugar intake. It is also important to note that having diabetes dramatically increases cancer risk.

6 Exercise
Exercising has many benefits, one of them is cancer prevention. Exercise increases oxygen to the respiratory system and the circulatory system. Increased oxygen optimizes body functions and encourages promotes overall wellness. Exercise is a general mood booster and promotes a positive outlook. Being active also allows you to be more conscious of healthy decisions throughout the day. Exercise increases insulin sensitivity which helps the pancreas use insulin more efficiently.
7 Fasting/Detoxing
Detoxing may seem a little hippy dippy, but hear me out. No matter how healthy you live, detoxification is a necessity. If you’re experiencing fatigue, gut distress, constant sickness, or have brain fog, consider adopting a detox or cleansing regimen. The main focus points for a detox would be the body’s detoxification organs: kidneys, liver, intestines, and colon. An effective detox program would be a 72 hour water fast. Three days of fasting regenerates the entire immune system through a process called autophagy. Autophagy is a process of the body destroying weak cells, reinforcing normal cells, and creating new cells.
Liver support can be found from cruciferous vegetables like: broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and asparagus. There are various herbs to cleanse the liver as well. Milk thistle and turmeric are excellent herbal detoxifiers and can be found in a supplemental form.
Kidney support can be found in foods like: kidney beans, cinnamon, garlic, onion, cranberries, beets, lemons, and spinach.
And to kill two birds with one stone (or 3 if you separate the small and large intestines), the colon and intestines are important, because they are responsible for the elimination of toxins. Eating prebiotic rich foods is a powerful method to strengthen flora in the gut. Prebiotics are foods that are high in fiber and feed the healthy bacteria (probiotics) in our system as well as keep us regular. A very serious problem that affects around 90% of the population are parasitic infections. Parasites can cause havoc on the digestive system and cause extreme tiredness, brain fog, cancer, and numerous other complications. Fasting helps tremendously with parasites, but certain foods and supplements are extremely effective. Pumpkin seeds are great to paralyze the worms and allow them to pass through the system naturally. Clove, wormwood, and black walnut husks are very effective as well. Coffee enemas are effective to cleanse the liver, intestines, and colon. Coffee enemas also boost glutathione production dramatically.

I hope that you will find this information valuable and share with your friends and loved ones. My hope is that one day cancer will be a thing of the past and we can move on to bigger and better things. Thank you for reading my post, good luck and God bless you and your loved ones.
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